Cllr. Graham Plant, NCC, emailed an update about the Norwich Western Link project (to connect the A47 west of the city to Broadland Northway, and create a dual carriageway orbital route around Norwich).

The team are finalising the planning application and will submit it in the next few weeks. The planning authority will publish the documents online and run a statutory public consultation. A commitment by central government has been secured to fund the majority of the cost of the Norwich Western Link when ministers approved the Outline Business Case – more than £200 million of national investment for Norfolk.

With population and employment growth expected in the county, it’s vital to continue to invest in the transport networks infrastructure to be fit for the future. This is about planning ahead, being ambitious for Norfolk and making people’s lives better.

Cllr Graham Plant, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure
Norfolk County Council

13 March 2024 update – We have received a letter stating that the GNLP has been adopted, see below:

The GNLP was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in July 2021 for examination.  Examination hearings, led by Independent Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State took place during 2022 and 2023. The Inspectors considered that a number of main modifications were required to the plan in order for it to be considered sound and legally compliant and consultation on these took place between the 25 October and 6 December 2023.

The Greater Norwich Development Partnership is writing to notify you that the Inspectors’ Report on the GNLP has now been received.  The Inspectors’ conclusion is that with the recommended main modifications the GNLP is sound.

The Inspectors’ Report and appendices of the Main Modifications will be available to view on the GNLP website at  Hard copies will be available for public viewing during normal office hours at the following locations:

  • Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council offices, The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich, NR7 0WF. Mon. – Fri. 08.30 – 17.00 (by appointment).
  • Norwich City Council, City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich, NR2 1NH (main entrance – please ask to be directed. Mon. – Fri. 08.45 – 13.00 & 14.00 – 17.00).
  • Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH (by appointment) and
  • South Norfolk information point at The Octagon, Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AH (Mon. – Fri. 09.00 – 17.00)

Please contact the GNLP team on 01603 306603 or email to make an appointment.

You can also view the Inspectors Report on the GNLP website in Norfolk libraries using their computers.

Formal adoption of the GNLP is scheduled to take place on the following dates:

  • Norwich City Council – 12 March 2024
  • South Norfolk Council – 25 March 2024
  • Broadland District Council – 28 March 2024

We received the following email from Cllr Graham Plant, NCC:

“Following on from the great news in mid-October that we have received a funding commitment of more than £200 million from the Government for the Norwich Western Link, we’re getting this important infrastructure project moving forward again.

“We’ve published a cabinet report this afternoon with an update on the project and the proposed next steps, which include submitting the planning application early next year. While a lot of work had already been done on the planning application documents over several months, the project team are currently reviewing and updating these now that we have more certainty over the timing of their submission and the subsequent timings for the project.

“The cabinet report sets out what we will need to include in the planning application. These documents will be published in full after we have submitted them to the planning authority, which in this instance is Norfolk County Council, but this is an entirely separate part of the authority to the project team. The planning authority will then run their own statutory public consultation on the planning application, so everyone will have the opportunity to view and comment on the proposals at that stage.

“Once the planning application is finalised and submitted, the project team would then make and publish a Compulsory Purchase Order, for land required for the project, and a Side Roads Order, which would authorise the County Council as the highways authority to make alterations to roads and highways, including public rights of way. The cabinet report published today also gives details on these processes, and includes maps showing the land we will require for the project – whether on a temporary or permanent basis – and the existing roads that will need to be altered in some way.

“Due to the delay in receiving the funding commitment from central government, and also as a result of factoring in information that has been confirmed as the project has developed, the anticipated timetable for the project has been pushed back. It is now expected that initial works will start in late 2025, with the start of main construction works in summer 2026 and the road open for use in 2029.

“For the same reasons, the budget for the project has been revised to £273.9 million, an increase of £22.8 million from the previous budget agreed in July 2022. However, the Department for Transport have indicated that they could provide funding of up to 100 per cent of the costs set out at Outline Business Case stage, which stood at £251.1 million. If the government provided £251.1 million of funding, the local contribution required towards the overall cost of the project would be less than previously anticipated even with the overall budget increase.

“I know delays and cost increases are frustrating and I know many people want to see this road built now, to tackle the traffic problems that exist to the west of Norwich and so that the wide range of benefits it will provide can be achieved at the earliest opportunity. It’s the responsible thing to do to keep project budgets and timetables under review and to adjust them as more information is known, and to respond to wider influences. And it’s important to do this in order to put ourselves in a strong position to get this road built, and built in the right way.

“I hope this provides information that is helpful but, if you want to, you can also read the cabinet report on our website here – the link in full is also included beneath my signature. With government backing secured and the planning application documents in the process of being finalised, we are making good progress and getting closer to making the Norwich Western Link a reality.

“The cabinet report will be considered by me and my cabinet colleagues at a meeting on Monday 4 December, and I’ll email you again that day to make you aware of the outcome of the meeting and the next steps from there.”

Cllr Graham Plant
Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure
Norfolk County Council

A new consultation has opened by the Greater Norwich Development Partnership inviting comments on the proposed Main Modifications which are required to the GNLP following submission to the Planning Inspectorate in July 2021.

There is a lot of documentation in the GNLP if you wish to review the whole plan. Specific mentions are made in the GNLP of places near to Wreningham: Hethel, Wymondham, Bracon Ash and Ketteringham.

Consultation is from Wednesday 25 October and will conclude at midday on Wednesday 6 December 2023.

The Inspectors’ final conclusions on the GNLP which will take account of representations submitted in response to this consultation.  The Main Modifications have been subject to updated Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment which are also available to comment on along with Policies Map changes. 

Representations should be made regarding legal compliance and soundness issues only.  This is not an opportunity to reraise matters relating to other parts of the submitted GNLP that have already been considered by the Inspectors during the Examination or to submit further evidence.  The Inspectors will only consider representations relating specifically to the proposed Main Modifications and other consultation documents before reaching their final conclusions on the GNLP.

The Partnership is also publishing Additional Modifications which it intends to make on adoption of the GNLP, along with other documents for information only.  These are outside the scope of the Main Modifications consultation and comments are not invited on them.  They do not form part of the Inspectors’ examination of the Plan.    

Accessing the consultation documents

The consultation documents will be available to view on the GNLP website,  Hard copy is available during normal office hours at:

  • Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council offices, The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF. Mon–Fri 8.30-17.00 (by appointment).
  • Norwich City Council, City Hall, St Peters Street, Norwich NR2 1NH (main entrance – please ask to be directed.  Mon-Fri 8.45-13.00 & 14.00-17.00);
  • Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2DH (by appointment);
  • South Norfolk information point at The Octagon, Mere Street, Diss IP22 4AH (Mon-Fri 9.00-17.00).

Contact the GNLP team using the details below to make an appointment.

You can also view the consultation documents in Norfolk libraries using their computers.

Making Representations

The preferred way is online using the consultation system  Alternatively, you can submit a response form by email or post:  either download a response form from our website or contact us by email ( or by telephone (01603 306603) to request one.

General Enquiries: 01603 306603

The text from an email sent to the Parish Council for sharing with parishioners:

Dear all,

I’m really pleased to tell you that the Norwich Western Link is a step closer to becoming a reality today as we now have a crucial funding commitment from central government for the project.

Today’s [mid October] announcement gives us a commitment from central government to fund the majority of the cost of the project and will bring an anticipated £213m of national investment into the county, with the potential for the government contribution to be uplifted to cover even more of the costs.

You’ll probably be aware that we’ve been waiting, and pushing, for this news for some time, so it’s great that ministers have listened and understood the importance of this new road link for Norfolk, and the wide range benefits it will bring to residents and businesses. It will, I’m sure, be a huge relief to the people worst affected by the traffic congestion on small roads and in communities to the west of Norwich, which is causing knock-on impacts and concerns about air quality, road safety and quality of life.

Now we have this funding commitment we can move the project forward. So what happens next? First of all, we need to finalise the planning application documents – these are already well-developed but we previously couldn’t finalise them given we didn’t know when we would be in a position to submit them. So we do need to do a final review and make any updates as appropriate.

A report will also be brought to the council’s cabinet containing an update on the project and details about the planning application, and I and my fellow cabinet members will be asked to approve submission of the planning application.

As ever, we still have some way to go on the Norwich Western Link and a lot of hard work ahead, but it’s fair to say we have achieved a major milestone with today’s news. It’s important that we continue to invest in transport infrastructure in Norfolk to support all kinds of journeys and accommodate planned growth. The Norwich Western Link, and the significant benefits it will bring to local residents, businesses and the Norfolk economy, is a key part of making sure Norfolk has the transport networks it needs.

Best wishes,


Cllr Graham Plant, Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Infrastructure, Norfolk County Council

Norfolk Highways have advised that there will be Rolling Road closures between Mulbarton to Carlton Rode. This is to undertake road surface repairs along the B1113. (You may have noticed many white paint markings outlining repair sites on this road.) These are planned for overnight from 7pm to 6am. Diversions will be sign posted. See documents below for details.

The majority of bus services under contract to Norfolk County Council in South Norfolk are being reviewed and reprocured for September. Following the review, passenger consultation and re-procurement of contracts, here is confirmation of the timetable from September 3rd. Attached is the passenger notice that will be displayed along with a summary of all the changes happening in South Norfolk from the same date.

37A Timetable (from 3rd September):

Summary of all the changes:

If you have any questions or queries about the proposals please do not hesitate to contact Daniel Yellop <>.

Travel and Transport Services 

Transport, Highways and Waste

Tel: 01603 223956 | Customer Services: 0344 800 8020

County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH

NCC Highway Rangers will be visiting Wreningham parish over the coming weeks. They use local knowledge to identify defects that may develop in between their routine inspections.

Their priorities are the essential elements of safety on the Highway Network and associated paths.

If you are aware of any issues with the following, please let our Clerk know by 12 July:

Parish Clerk – Mrs Tina Higlett
Crofton House, Norwich Road, Long Stratton, Norwich NR15 2PG
Tel: 01508 530733

  • Potholes – provide an accurate location, the dimensions width, length, depth), the position on the Highway (i.e. centre, wheel track, side).
  • Regular incidents of standing or flooding water – additional inspection of gullies and grips at these sites – Location and area affected. Whether any features may be blocked (i.e. gullies/grips). State whether the water eventually clears over time and if it only occurs during heavy rain. (Recent heavy rain fall may cause issues out of their control. They can clear gulley pots and grips but only within the highway boundary).
  • Signs – ensuring visibility and good condition of Highway signs, removal of illegal signs
  • Paths – need for siding out and ensuring a safe surface for the user
  • Public Rights of Way – needing clear access within the village

Please note the following on ditches, hedges and utilities: 

  • Ditches – In almost all cases ditches are the responsibility of the adjacent landowner. First inform the Parish Council which will contact the landowner directly. If the landowner refuses to act on the Parish request we will then pursue this on your behalf (provided we have contact details of the landowner).
  • Hedges – Almost always the responsibility of the adjacent landowner. It is always best if the Parish Council contacts the landowner directly. If the landowner refuses to act on the Parish request we will then pursue this on your behalf (provided we have contact details of the landowner).
  • Anglia Water and BT – Both of these companies respond quickest to online reports, and their preference is for this to be done by locals with knowledge of the location and area. Essentially: if their covers are leaking, loose or broken they are fixed by the utility company – we would fix potholes around the covers as long as they are not loose. Anglia Water reports can be called through on 0800 771881 and BT defects can be called through on 0800 023 2023 (option 1).

Normal service 

  • They still respond to enquiries regarding highway maintenance and public safety risk, using the reporting system ( and signing into your ‘My Norfolk’ Parish account.
  • Highway teams will continue to carry out routine and reactive inspections and programme repairs as necessary.
  • Resources and access to materials may affect their ability to respond to some lower priority defects.

For further information contact Hannah Denney, Area Technician

Highways, Transport & Waste

Tel: 0344 800 8020

Ketteringham Highways Depot – Station Lane, Ketteringham, Norfolk, NR9 3AZ

This consultation is to run until 21 August 2023. The website for this project is here:

They are at an early stage of developing our proposals for this project. They are asking for your feedback on our preferred draft alignment, which shows potential positions for overhead lines and associated pylons, underground cables, cable sealing end compounds (where overhead lines are joined to underground cables) and connection substations. Feedback is important to help us as we develop our proposals in more detail. 

They are holding a series of public events and webinars.

Public Information Events 

The nearest venues to Wreningham are listed below (see website for complete list). They provide an opportunity to find out more and speak to members of the project team. 

Date and time Venue 
Friday 7 July  2-7pm Diss Youth & Community Centre,   Shelfanger Road, Diss, IP22 4EH   
Monday 10 July  1-6pm Tibenham Community Hall,   Pristow Green Lane, Tibenham, Norwich NR16 1PX   
Tuesday 18 July  1-6pm Tasburgh Village Hall,   Grove Lane, Tasburgh, NR15 1LR   


They are holding one-hour online webinar sessions, where they will present their proposals followed by an open question and answer session. To join one of the webinars, please register using the links below, or get in touch with their community relations team.

Date  Time  
Wednesday 5 July  1-2pm  
Tuesday 25 July  7-8pm  
Saturday 12 August  10-11am  
Thursday 17 August  10-11am