The village collaborative heating oil purchase scheme is now being managed by John Knight.
Every quarter in February, May, August and November, he will collate all the oil requirements from those parishioners who have registered an interest in this scheme. The May order is now being considered and he is busy contacting potential oil suppliers with a view of placing an order around Thursday 3rd May.
So, if you require oil, let him have your order no later than Tuesday May 1st along with any specific delivery requirements you may have (i.e. limited access for vehicle, urgently required, etc.).
Be sure to give him the information (name, address, phone number, e-mail, oil tank location) necessary to effect an order on your behalf. Note: the supplier will bill you for the amount ordered/delivered; John does not handle the money.
If you have friends or neighbours that you know use heating oil, please pass on his contact details so he can include as many in the scheme as possible, and thereby be in a better position to negotiate a lower price for everyone.
If you have any other questions please give him a call on 07961 705154 or e-mail johnknight11@btinternet.com

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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