28 October 2024 at 7.30pm in the Margaret Preston Room, Wreningham Village Hall
Aim: To take the work from meeting #3 and further develop the projects / features of The Farthings
- Pick up on items not addressed in last meeting Southern boundary hedge Paths – nature, route, anticipated usage
- Further refine project(s) location and extent Consider specifications S106 specific impacts / adjustments
- Consider RossiLong surface water management plan, if available
Input Documents:
- Updated enlarged site plan
- Updated (from mtg #3) project spreadsheet
Meeting Notes
General discussion:
- Site drainage.
- No RossiLong plan for discussion – FWP to provide when received
- Handover plan for Drain at West end of Church Road residents-owned ditch
- documentation
- fully serviced before handover (S106 impact)
- Hardened area in S-W corner not now required. (S106 impact)
- Gate at SW corner potentially not required (S106 impact)
- if its sole use is to maintain concessionary access status then a notice will do that!
- Unsure whether necessary to have a gate to regulate bicycles, etc.
- Signage – add as a separate project and discuss approach with FWP (offered to take design/artwork and create signage) (S106 impact)
- Bridges – 2m wide; handrail both sides; lip at edge; contrast colouring to aid sight disabled (Government guidelines apply GD353)
- Benches (S106 impact)
- 3 with backs/arm rest; 3 no back
- placement needs to be optimal for line of sight into the Farthings
- ensure equally spaced around site – no bunching
- Pond (nearest to Hethel Road) – acknowledged “pond-dipping” request by school – need for gentle slope to pond (S106 impact)
- FWP question – the redline on the plan seems to stop short of Church Road – is there an ownership gap?
- FWP question – the boundary on the west side of the public footpath. (S106 impact)
- A fence be installed to properly mark the legal boundary.
- Improves long term maintenance of the footpath area and the plants there
- type of fence – not post and wire; more substantial – overlap wooden panels / Log fence?
Tree Planting
- Consider creating a wooded area in the North West corner
- Modified project to support area planting of tress around the site. Some locations were considered
- Planting of native trees with selection to consider longer term climate change – moderate density (cf Long’s Wood)
- Noted differing experiences of tree growth in the field
- Other tree planting initiatives to be considered
- planting of specimen trees about the site – noted placement of trees in FWP proposal
- S106 impact
- Locate in corner by East boundary of proposed buildings site
- Footpath from buildings site to turn south and connect to inner footpath
- Two locations identified
- No decision on fencing and access control
- S106 impact
Sensory Garden
- A potential project for school children involvement
- No S106 impact
Topological features
- Opportunity to introduce some limited topographical variation – not decided, contouring difficult to perceive without plan
- Question amount of topsoil required, if at all
- S106 impact
Log piles
- placed at boundary in 3 locations (to be determined)
- small S106 impact – use the felled tree and some brushwood from Hethel Road hedge clearance
Willow Tunnel(s)
- Consider location in relation to other plantings/projects
- perhaps other species can be used?
- No decisions required until much later (2-3years?)
- No S106 impact – Community design, location and planting
- Increase to 1.5m width generally – allow for easier access for wheelchair/buggy users and for passing
- revised routes considered and agreed
- benches to be placed near to path
- provide wider path at bench sites?
- Provide wider area where paths meet
- new path into North west corner (wooded area)
- move path route closer to pond (hug the pond for ¼ or 1/3 of perimeter)
- S106 impact
Southern boundary hedge – nearest to the gardens of the Church Road houses. A meeting was held last Friday. Karen Nunn reported back on the results.
- Retain a 1.5m gap from current residents fence/boundary – to allow access for cutting of both The Farthings’ hedge and the residents’ hedges
- Centreline of 3m deep hedge to be 3m from boundary
- Review the species mix of hedging – explore > 5 native species; explore slow growing and/or long lasting green foliage [not laural!]
- Proposed interspersed trees
- site north of this hedge
- FWP to advise on species
- Access points (gaps in hedge) to aid hedge maintenance
- FWP plot 4 access point remain
- Access point at Easternmost end
- Access point at Westernmost end (not a definite requirement)
- S106 impact
- Paths are taking shape – route; style; physical charateristics
- Projects filling the Farthings – recognise several years of work
- Revised “contents” plan for The Farthings
Next meeting: 7.30pm, Monday 4th November 2024 at the Village Hall
FWP Ltd comments on the above meeting notes: