You are invited to take part in an online consultation survey regarding the development of a district-wide Design Code for South Norfolk and Broadland districts.
This is accessible at: It will be available until 5 pm on Monday 2nd September 2024. There are brief instructions on the website to leave your feedback.
Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council have appointed Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design to develop a district wide Design Code for both South Norfolk and Broadland. The aim of the Design Code is to strengthen the design quality and consistency of new residential developments across the area. It will provide straightforward guidance to ensure high quality and appropriate development, covering themes such as the height of buildings, their design and materials, landscaping, the design of bin stores, and the design of parking spaces. It is anticipated that the Design Code will be applicable to all new development, although it is expected to be most relevant to new residential developments that are under 500 homes.
The Design Code will be used to help in the planning applications process to ensure that new development is of appropriate quality, responds to the local context, and provides great places for people to live. As part of this Code, particular emphasis will be given to the quality of landscaping, the character of local buildings, and the use of distinctive materials. It is intended that the new Code will eventually be adopted by each Council as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). SPDs are used to provide further guidance on planning policies.
As part of this process, local communities and other stakeholder bodies can help to inform the priorities, content and structure of the Design Code as it develops. This is our first stage of engagement to help us understand your priorities for design of new development across the districts, and what you think is unique/distinctive about both Broadland and South Norfolk.
This is stage one, and over the next year or so, there will be several more opportunities for you to input into this process. The team will use the feedback to identify a set of priorities for the design code, which will be presented back in a second round of engagement (initially planned for Autumn 2024).
I hope you are able to take part in this survey as your views on what the design code should cover are important to us. If you wish discuss this piece of work further or if you have any queries, please contact the Councils’ Place Shaping Team on (01508) 533805 or at
Kate Fisher
Principal Planning Policy Officer
t 01508 533801 e