3 October 2024 at 3pm in the Margaret Preston Room, Village Hall, Wreningham
FWP Ltd: Julian Wells, Donovan Brock
WPC: Michael Hill, Jean Lambourne, Hugh Glaves, Keith Morris, Andrea Tancred, Karen Nunn (observer)
Discussion: Community Owned Land (COL): site, S106 draft, Commuted Sum, other
1. Public footpath from Church Road
- the boundary is presumed to be along the middle of the ditch beside the path
- will establish the legal (red line) boundary without question (one already exists on maps held by FWP)
- clearance to the middle of ditch is to be / has been made
- noted email questions from neighbour (Orchard Cottage) – there is no FWP agreement about a 2m boundary. Orchard Cottage has a building which straddles the red line boundary on current legal maps.
2. FWP statements and timings
- The building project is on FWP website
- on site and start building work – January 2025; anticipate completion by Q1 2026
- currently discussing plans with contractors
- Expects to sell one building prior to S106 being signed off as having been fully met
- a/w draft S106 from SNC (Glen Beaumont)
- note document to form the basis of the draft has been issued to SNC / FWP
- delegated planning approval noted
- full planning approval – dependent on S106 conditions met and agreed as met by Parish Council – N.B. after building work has commenced and at least one completed
- by Q4 2024 – draft S106 to be agreed and signed by FWP and WPC
- FWP anticipate WPC November meeting (12/11) for WPC sign off
- SNC will appoint Birkett’s and they will also represent WPC in the case of S106
- FWP paying legal costs
- 12 month defects period
- Commuted Sum
- stated as £86K
- to be added – NBG periodic reviews (several over 30 year period)
- to be added – annual safety review (ponds, water course, site generally) ~£400 p.a. current year estimate
- FWP assume WPC will contract out the majority of the management work and relevant mandatory reviews
- WPC to comment as necessary to FWP
3. Off site drainage – all the ditches bordering the whole site; plus the drain/ditch to the north from the site. Mrs Katy Spilman (SNC) is engaged with |FWP and the project
- to review Technical Drainage plan from FWP
- will supervise its implementation
- will liaise with landowners off-site, to ensure whole connected drains system is adequate to take surface water from COL site drainage system
4. Landscaping
- hedges to be 5 species mix (minimum) – note dense requirement for southern boundary
- hedge removed along Hethel Road – to be replaced with trees
- hedge along Hethel Road to be supplemented with plantings
- contouring of land
- top soil on flower meadow area to be removed (need to impoverish soil for planing of wildflower seeds)
- sufficient top soil retained for finishing landscape features
- Spoil from 3 buildings site, landscaping near ponds & N/E ditch – to be used for topologic structures as agreed by Community Group and WPC
- amphitheatre at North West corner – tba
- bund along whole southern boundary (for site security and householder privacy, hedging planted on this? – tba)
- other as identified by Community Group
- Ponds
- FWP to obtain statutory declaration regarding ownership of existing pond and thence include in Community Land site
- This to be banked on neighbour’s side
- new ponds – 1 near east side pond; 1 near junction of current internal site drains
- ditch to East / North corner by Hethel Road – reduced and widened southern slope
5. Drainage on site – largely as discussed previously, including:
- Drainage Plan to be agreed with SNC/WPC
- Objective is to take surface water from site and away to north (flow may be anticlockwise on Community Land)
- extinguishing ditches enhanced / improved
- french drain along southern boundary
- ponds linked by piping with mechanism to limit overall depth
- possibly create new ditch as east end (running into existing east end ditch) as an alternative means to limit level in existing pond
6. Footpaths
- one of the last things done
- exact routes to be agreed
- 2 entrances (Hethel Road and Church Road) form start and finish points
7. Biodiversity and Net Gain (BNG) – Natural England now empowered to enforce sufficient BNG in all planning applications. A fee is charged by Natural England (unclear whether it is a flat charge and includes monitoring costs)
- Baseline for measuring to be created (by whom?) (appointed consultants for year 0?)
- 30 years of monitoring
- costs yet to be agreed with SNC / Natural England (and included in Commuted Sum)
8. Go Live – agreed a “grand” opening event
- Celebrity? VIP personage?
- Signage; logo design
- plan to be made..
- Community group engagement
- timing? (Spring 2026)
9. Other
- S106 – COL content meetings to be arranged soon (Next Tuesday and 3 Mondays following). To provide additional input on priorities for the community
- Meetings announced on village website; via weekly activities list; and via emails to those having already been engaged in earlier contacts
- DB to provide latest site drawings for sharing with Community Group
M Hill
WPC Chair
3 October 2024