This application relates to the land south of Homestead on Church Road for 2 dwellings. The revised documentation is available on the SNC website here (dated 14 September). The architect has written:
"…I enclose a copy of our revised drawings for re-consultation and comment on them as follows:
Plot 1 -- remains as similar to that submitted but reduced in length and internal fireplace
Plot 2 -- re-design of plot for layout with regard to trees and habitable room to shading areas. Moved further away from the South boundary and outside root protection zones and canopy spreads.
Shading plans. The enclosed shading plans have been produced, 855837 2012 recommendation, Autumn and Spring equinox and high Summer.
We have shown the requested visibility splay on the topographical survey drawing indicating that it will not be necessary to remove neighbouring hedging.
I hope that the enclosed drawings address the concerns raised and we now look forward to receiving your approval."
Should you wish to comment on these revised plans then please do so to the Planning Officer concerned at South Norfolk Council before 28 September 2016.
Comments are closed