The Ashwren Players drama group was formed in the early 1970s and had a long history of performing plays, reviews and pantomimes in Wreningham village hall. Ashwren Players grew in 2007 when the Mulbarton Players disbanded and many of their members joined us. Indeed, over the years many people from the locality have been involved in supporting the group and its performances.

Unfortunately, Ashwren Players decided to call it a day and all the props, costumes, and funds have been distributed.

As a final “farewell”, we are inviting everybody who had ever been involved or helped to attend a “curtain closing” event on Sunday 1st March at Wreningham village hall from 7 pm to 10 pm. There will be a buffet, informal entertainment and a licensed bar.

Please pass this invitation to anyone you know who played any part in the life and times of Ashwren Players.

To help us plan this event, let Val Keel know if you (or anybody you contact) is hoping to be there on 01508 488231 or

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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