We have recently received notification of condition details for this planning application; specifically conditions 3 6 & 9 of 2024/2627 see document here

  • (3) surface water drainage design
  • (6) written scheme of investigation for archaeology
  • (9) biodiversity gain plan

Ref 2024/2627
Proposal: Replacement dwelling and new double garage
Location: Lawood Church Road Wreningham Norfolk NR16 1BA (https://w3w.co/wagers.caressed.event)

Applicant: Gray and Co Developments Ltd
Application Type: Full Planning Permission

SNC decision:

Proposal: Demolition of existing commercial workshop and buildings, erection of four new dwellings and garages, with all matters reserved except for access
Location: Spratts Garage Wymondham Road
Applicant: C Bilham, R Spratt & A Riches
Application Type: Outline Planning Permission
Application reference: 2022/0835

A meeting of the SNC Development Management Committee will consider this application (delayed from 5 April 2023) on 20 November 2024, starting at 10am. It will be held in the Council Chamber. For those wishing to speak and will be live streamed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZciRgwo84-iPyRImsTCIng

What does this mean for the Parish/Town Council?

We have not yet decided whether to speak at this meeting – our written representations will be reported in the Committee agenda and will be taken into account in the decision-making process.

For members of the public

Should you wish to attend Committee and speak, please notify Democratic Services at
committee.snc@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk by 5pm on the Friday before the committee date. Contacts are: Tel 01508 533780 / 01603 430509 and planning@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk

The following is permitted for public speaking:
– Parish Council – 5 minutes
– Objectors – 5 minutes allowed for all speakers
– Supporters – 5 minutes allowed for all speakers
– Local Member – unlimited

The Council will be live streaming this meeting. You can observe the meeting only (and not participate in public speaking), at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZciRgwo84-iPyRImsTCIng

If you have any queries on the above please don’t hesitate to contact Democratic Services or the case officer.

The last couple of days have been a mite damp – so I thought I’d take the phone and record a few puddles for posterity.

General dampness – a few choice puddles and full ditches

Followed by a close look at The Farthings. This had surface water, two new shallow ponds, an overflowing existing pond, plus full ditches.

Prior to 2011 Wreningham did not have a mains sewage system. Many properties had either single or shared septic tanks. Residents had to make their own arrangements for emptying these tanks. For some this was an on-going problem as they were continually having to arrange for the emptying of their septic tanks to significant cost and inconvenience.

In 2011 Anglia Water installed a “First time sewage system” in Wreningham as part of their policy to reduce the number of septic tanks in the region. Instead of a gravity driven system, this project introduced a vacuum sewage system to serve Church Road, Hethel Road, Ashwellthorpe Road and Wymondham Road.

These pipes converged on a new main sewage pipe at the top of Mill Lane near the school. A pumping station was built half way along Mill Lane. It maintains the vacuum (or low pressure) which draws the sewage into the next part of the system. Here gravity takes the sewage through a new pipe to a pre-existing installation situated by Stephens Road in Top Row.

How does it work?

Image from airvac.com

The sewage pipe from the house uses gravity to deliver sewage to the chamber. This will trigger the trap to access the vacuum in the main pipe. This will then draw the sewage out of the chamber and away towards the pumping station in Mill Lane and from there onto the installation in Top Row.

Am I connected?

Whilst many decided to connect to the system at the time of installation, not all did.

One sign that you are connected is that the property will be in receipt of a regular sewage bills from Anglia Water!

The most obvious sign that you are connected is two part:

  1. A metal inspection cover for the below ground sewage chamber. This is often within the property’s curtilage, however some are in or near the road.
  • Note this may be shared by up to 4 properties
  1. A silver coloured, metal, cylindrical pipe set vertically in the roadside verge outside/near your property. “Anglia Water” is inscribed in blue on it with a designation number e.g. “B1”.
  • This pipe is the visible component of a vacuum trap which connects to a sewage pipe.

Who do I contact if it is not working correctly?

This sewage system is managed by Anglia Water. You will need to contact them in the event of any actual or apparent system failure:

Telephone: 0800 145 145 / Email: Customerservices@anglianwater.co.uk

Michael Hill, October 2023

Ref; 2023/1556
Applicant: Mark Wilmott
Location: Laburnums Church Road Wreningham Norfolk NR16 1BA
Proposal: Detached double garage
Application Type: Householder

You can submit your comments before 30 June 2023, using the reference number 2023/1556, via:

email: planning@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk

online at www.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk, or

post: The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF

If this is not possible or you wish to discuss the proposal before sending your comments please contact the case officer (01508 533780 / 01603 430509). Please note: any comments you make will be available to view on-line.


We have received a report of a domestic burglary in the Church road area in the last hour or two. This seems to be an opportunistic act. Apparently, no-one was hurt and there is no damage to property. A handbag and purse containing money and credit cards were taken. The Police have been called.

Whilst there is little information available it seems wise to remind you to take appropriate security measures for your personal safety and that of your home.

Wreningham Parish residents can now help keep Wreningham, Top Row and Penny’s Green litter free after the Parish Council bought litter-picking equipment which can be borrowed for free.

Sets of two litter-pickers, bag hoops and high-vis jackets are now available for residents to borrow for ad-hoc litter picking around the area. Litter picking would be done at residents’ own risk.

Sets are located at homes on the main roads in the parish and can be borrowed via a quick email or phone call as follows:

Wymondham Road and general enquiries:

Cllr Keith Morris, on 01508 488318 or at keith.morris@networknorwich.co.uk

Ashwellthorpe Road:

Cllr Hughie Glaves: Porthtowan or at: hugh.glaves@btinternet.com

Church Road, Hethel Road & Penny’s Green:

Sarah Lidington: Cloverside, Church Road or at sarahl@live.co.uk

Mill Lane

Christine Bilham: Cha-Am or 01508 489626 or at: bilham8@aol.com

Top Row 

Nicky Allen: The Birches or at: clerk.WPC@gmail.com

Pictured is Cllr Keith Morris with the litter picking equipment available for residents to borrow.

Update: 8 November 2021

This is an update on the progress of NCC Greenways Team project to improve waymarking and access on the historic Kett’s Country Long Distance Path, an 18-mile recreational walking route between Wymondham and Norwich. It is creating five new circular walks to connect local communities to the linear route and other green spaces. The long-distance path and all circular walks will be following existing public rights of way or quiet roads. The project is due to be completed by the end of March 2022.

Here is a map showing the route:

The Wreningham circular route has had improvements to access points and bridges in the Long’s Wood area. The information board near the Church will be repositioned to the verge by the Bird In Hand.  There may be some additional notice signs installed along the route.

The team is gathering information about the local history, heritage and biodiversity for their promotional materials, so if you think something would be worth highlighting, or know someone who would be a good source of information, please contact Helen Terry at the Norfolk Greenways Team – norfolkgreenways@norfolk.gov.uk.

Original Post: December 2020

Norfolk County Council’s Kett’s Country Long Distance Path project has a shortlist of 12 potential circular walks along the trail and wish to reduce that to five that will be installed, alongside the signage for the linear route, in the Spring.

They invite you to respond to their survey which is here. It will be live until 31st January 2021.

Please note that two of these potential walks are in Wreningham – so your interest will be appreciated.

The project officer will respond to your questions about the circular walks, or the project in general, from 4th January 2021. 

Contact: Chris Brough, Cycling and Walking Assistant Officer, Environment Team, Community and Environmental Services

Tel: 01603 224436 ; Email: christopher.brough@norfolk.gov.uk ; Web: www.norfolk.gov.uk/greenways

Reference: 2021/2156
Applicant: Ms Jill Maidment
Location: Willys Croft Church Road Wreningham NR16 1BA
Proposal: Installation of two additional roof windows in new extension pitched roof following 2021/1176
Application Type: Listed Building Consent

Please return comments to South Norfolk by 22 October 2021.

email: planning@s-norfolk.gov.uk
post: SNC, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton NR15 2XE