Update: 8 November 2021
This is an update on the progress of NCC Greenways Team project to improve waymarking and access on the historic Kett’s Country Long Distance Path, an 18-mile recreational walking route between Wymondham and Norwich. It is creating five new circular walks to connect local communities to the linear route and other green spaces. The long-distance path and all circular walks will be following existing public rights of way or quiet roads. The project is due to be completed by the end of March 2022.
Here is a map showing the route:
The Wreningham circular route has had improvements to access points and bridges in the Long’s Wood area. The information board near the Church will be repositioned to the verge by the Bird In Hand. There may be some additional notice signs installed along the route.
The team is gathering information about the local history, heritage and biodiversity for their promotional materials, so if you think something would be worth highlighting, or know someone who would be a good source of information, please contact Helen Terry at the Norfolk Greenways Team – norfolkgreenways@norfolk.gov.uk.
Original Post: December 2020
Norfolk County Council’s Kett’s Country Long Distance Path project has a shortlist of 12 potential circular walks along the trail and wish to reduce that to five that will be installed, alongside the signage for the linear route, in the Spring.
They invite you to respond to their survey which is here. It will be live until 31st January 2021.
Please note that two of these potential walks are in Wreningham – so your interest will be appreciated.
The project officer will respond to your questions about the circular walks, or the project in general, from 4th January 2021.
Contact: Chris Brough, Cycling and Walking Assistant Officer, Environment Team, Community and Environmental Services
Tel: 01603 224436 ; Email: christopher.brough@norfolk.gov.uk ; Web: www.norfolk.gov.uk/greenways