Over this weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, Lotus tested a car on their track. They had promised to advise the local community of extra track events which may create some noise. Indeed, the email was sent but not until mid-morning on Saturday (see extract below), and, I did not read it until Sunday evening!
Obviously this is post-event, but whether or not you were inconvenienced by the track testing noise please contact Lotus (details given below) and let them know. This way they can have real feedback about their actions and its impact on the community.
Email extract:
… as previously agreed, we would advise you should there be a requirement for some extra-ordinary track use outside the track calendar as circulated at the start of the year.
You may be aware that Lotus has developed an Emira GT4 racecar which will campaign in various series around the world.
More details can be found here:
And here:
I have just been informed that, in readiness for a number of activities and events over the next two weeks involving the Emira GT4 race car, our engineers need to conduct two “shakedown-tests’ today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday 08 and 09 July 2023) at around midday for around one hour on both days. Being a race car for global competition, it is louder than a road car and the engineering team here are veru much aware of our neighbours, especially with it being a weekend.
As always, if you have any questions or queries please contact me.
Should you wish to submit a formal report of noise (or indeed any other environmental nuisance at any Lotus site) to our Safety, Health & Environment Manager via https://app.uk.sheassure.net/lotuscars/p/Lotus-Contractor-sOXoZgioUm/forms/12404
for investigation and discussion at the Group SHE Steering Group Meeting. Acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the complainant and feedback will also be provided to the complainant following conclusion of the investigation.
In addition, issues can be raised via the Security Lodge at any time – 01953 608000.