Ref: 2024/1135
Proposal: Construction of 2 bungalows & 1 chalet bungalow, along with 4.09 acres of land transferred to the Parish Council for Community Owned Land
Location: Land South West of Hethel Road
Applicant: Mr Julian Wells
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Please return comments by 8 August 2024, quoting reference 2024/1135
- email:
- online:
- post: The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF
The revision is in response to NCC Highways comments about the nature of the road – see documents on SNC website. The documents which provide the revisions are dated from 24 July 2024. Considerations discussed with Parish Council, FWP Ltd and South Norfolk include:
- Improved road safety – pinch point identified by NCC Highways – widened roadway
- Loss of 37m of hedging removed to accommodate road widening (7m of which are the development site entrance). But, extensive new hedge to replace existing one which is of poor quality – which will need growing time.
- New trees – to replace lost tree.
- Informal passing place removed. It has grown to fill the ditch and impede local drainage.
- Drainage in that section of road renewed and improved.
- Public safety improved with a new public footpath on the inside of the hedge and in front of plot 3, taking people off Hethel Road and through to the Farthings entrance.