Update 1 October: we have been advised that this closure is to be extended until 3 October from between 7pm to 5am the following morning.

A temporary road closure is sceduled for re-surfacing work on the B1113 affecting the Norwich Road from its junction with C186 Wymondham Road in the Parish of Bracon Ash and Hethel. The works will be carried out between 19:00 on 30th September and 05:00 on 1st October 2024.

Traffic Regulation Order Team, nplaw, Chief Executive’s Office, South Wing, Ground Floor, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2DH

Email: tro@norfolk.gov.uk

Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the “Order”) (STRO11471) [See Below]. This affects the B1113, Norwich Road, from its junction with C179, The Common, for 100m north eastwards (the “Road”) in the Parish of Mulbarton. This is to facilitate UK Power Network electrical transformer replacement, the Road will be temporarily closed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closure is necessary:

  • which is anticipated to be from 2nd to 3rd October 2024,
  • but may continue to be closed/restricted until the 14th November 2024 where the closure is still required beyond the anticipated dates.

The map provided is rather confusing – this was obtained from NCC Roadworks site:

Norfolk Highways have advised that there will be Rolling Road closures between Mulbarton to Carlton Rode. This is to undertake road surface repairs along the B1113. (You may have noticed many white paint markings outlining repair sites on this road.) These are planned for overnight from 7pm to 6am. Diversions will be sign posted. See documents below for details.

Reference: 2022/2224
Applicant: Mr Ben Jarvis
Location: The Old Chapel Norwich Road Wreningham Norfolk NR16 1AF
Proposal: Single storey utility room
Application Type: Householder

Please send comments, quoting the reference, by 15 December 2022 to SNC:

email: planning.snc@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk
online: www.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk
post: Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth Road, Norwich NR7 0DU

I reported the very poor condition of High Road, Top Row. The road surface is disintegrating along a 10+ metre stretch and is becoming a danger to road users. Also, a corner at Mill Lane/B1113 is degrading into a series of potholes that are joining up.

NCC Highways have responded to these reports: “We have inspected and are going to resolve the problem – After investigation we have confirmed action is required. Defects are scheduled for repair depending on the nature of the defect and work needed but on average can take approximately 6 weeks.”

South Norfolk have received my report of fly-tipping – a concrete fencing post and a mattress – on Wymondham Road (not far from the turkey sheds). This report was made via their flytipping page. Their reply was that they’d remove the items in due course.

Reference: 2021/0435
Applicant: Mrs Brake
Location: Rose Cottage Norwich Road Wreningham NR16 1AF
Proposal: Demolition of existing cottage and construction of one replacement dwelling and one new house
Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Copies of the submitted plans can be viewed on-line

Comments to South Norfolk by 29 March 2021.

on-line: via Comment tab here
email: planning@s-norfolk.gov.uk
post: SNC, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton NR15 2XE

In October 2016 (see here) we reported on a public consultation about the Hornsea Three Wind Farm (here for the company website). Things have moved on and in December 2020 planning approval was given by the Secretary of State for this national infrastructure project (documentation here).

The land based substation will be built on a large site just beyond Swardeston towards Norwich and is bounded by the B1113 to the West and the A47 to the North – see NCC Map here).

In 2018 the company issued a community newsletter which provided some high-level information. In the same year SNC considered the project and reported here.

As yet, there are no detailed designs for the substation. Swardeston PC are very aware of this and have provided this month a commentary about the project here.

NCC are consulting on the reduction to the speed limit on B1113, Norwich Road through Wreningham, as in this plan: the existing speed limit is 50mph and the new limit is 40mph. The Parish Council, with others, has been pressing for a speed reduction for many years.

The Parish Council will be requesting that the new limit should instead commence at/near the Wreningham village sign near the Bird in Hand. Pleased send comments (for or against) by 12th December 2019 to the NCC contact:

Bradley Shaw, Trainee Technician, Highway Projects Team 1, Community and Environmental Services, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH

Tel: 01603 222452 | Dept: 0344 800 8020 | bradley.shaw@norfolk.gov.uk