£50k for community projects
Are you a community group looking for funding? South Norfolk Council has Community Action Fund grants available from £1,000-£15,000 to support projects and initiatives that benefit local people. Last year the Council funded a range of projects including play equipment at Breckland Park in Costessey, an automatic watering system at Wortwell Bowls Club and a trailer for Norfolk Knights Wheelchair Rugby Team.
If you would like to apply for funding, please contact Phil Hardy, local district councillor, (e-mail: phardy@s-norfolk.gov.uk) who will apply on your behalf.
The next Community Action Fund panel will be held on Thursday 31 May. For more information on the Fund and all the Council’s community grants, please visit the Council’s website www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/residents/communities/community-grants
Debbie Storey
Communications Officer
t 01508 533611 e dstorey@s-norfolk.gov.uk
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