The SNC has responded to pressure from residents and District Councillors by agreeing that flooding will be on the cabinet agenda, on Monday 11 January 2021, as an urgent item.  Mr John Fuller (The Leader) will ‘set up an enquiry’ chaired by Mr Graham Minshull, SNC Chairman, after that meeting.

If you have stories, pictures or are willing to attend the cabinet meeting or watch it afterwards, contact SNC’s democratic services (see below) to obtain log on information and to submit your views and evidence.

District Counsellor Vivienne Clifford-Jackson says “the flooding problem is happening every winter and it would be good if SNC can get all the relevant agencies to get together and develop an action plan to deal with this ever increasing problem.”

Vivienne Clifford-Jackson (Ms), 8 Badger Close, Mulbarton NR14 8NT

01508 571346 / 07717 296 202

District Council Member for Mulbarton & Stoke Holy Cross Ward South Norfolk Council

Tracy Brady, Democratic Services and Governance Officer
t 01508 535321 e

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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