South Norfolk Council have a mapping tool on their Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) information pages. This is accessible via the Planning page of Broadland and South Norfolk Councils website (link here). It is an interactive map where you can view the energy and electricity related NSIP routes within both districts.

Here you can find the following:

  • ‘About Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects’ which explains what they are, the Development Consent Process and the Local Authorities’ role.  
  • ‘National Policy’ which provides links to the governments new National Planning Policy Statements.
  • Specific NSIP projects by type: National Highways Schemes; Offshore Wind Farms and Electricity:
  1. These pages give an overview of the project, including which District host the project and what stage they are at in the process, with links to key documents and information, particularly the Development Consent Order as made (if determined, which contains the requirements (conditions) attached to the consent), land plans etc. and to the developer’s website.
  2. Additionally, the contact details for Orsted and Vattenfall, are available on the specific project pages, for communities to contact them directly regarding issues and concerns in respect of any works that are taking place.     
  • An interactive map displaying all of the energy and electricity related NSIP routes within South Norfolk and Broadland.

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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