Norfolk County Council’s Cycling and Walking team are working on a project to improve waymarking and access on the historic Kett’s Country Long Distance Path, a 17-mile recreational walking route between Wymondham and Norwich.

This project also involves the creation of five brand new circular walks to connect local communities to the linear route and other green spaces. The long-distance path and all circular walks will be following existing public rights of way or quiet roads.

This is due to be completed by March 2022 with improvements to access and sign installation due to take place from March 2021.

Here is a map of the proposed route.

In the short term, Chris Brough of NCC, would welcome your feedback – see details below. In the longer term he will provide more information on the circular walks and ways in which parishioners can have their say and how they can help.


Chris Brough, Cycling and Walking Assistant Officer, Environment Team

Community and Environmental Services

Norfolk County Council

Tel: 01603 224436



Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay