Thanks to Hughie, Mick, Sue, Liz, Mike, Karen and Jean at the village hall today. They set up (and took down) the Farthings’ documentation; served tea, coffee & bisuits; explained the presentations; and answered questions from those who dropped by.
The Drop In was an opportunity for villagers to examine all the documentation in one place and to see the definition of The Farthings at the point of transfer to community ownership. We have come a long way but the negotiations are not yet complete. The documents on view form part of the S106 agreement (being drawn up by solicitors) which will be ratified by South Norfolk Council, FWP Ltd and Wreningham Parish Council. These will be discussed, agreed and finalised over the next few weeks.
Available for inspection at the Drop In were:
- Specification for Community Owned Land
- A large plan view of the site
- A Rossi Long produced surface water management scheme
- List of community projects
- Commuted sum calculations (this is designed to cover the annual running costs of The Farthings)
- Logo art work.
We thank the visitors for their interest in the project; for closely examining the documentation; for re-stating their support for the project; and for their intent to help out when the time comes for hands-on activity. Two District Councillors attended and were complimentary about depth and breadth of the work of the Working Group; they expect this to be a successful project; it has their support and they look forward to it developing into a well-loved Wreningham site in the years to come.
The Farthings tab in the main menu, will be updated with additional information as it comes available. If you wish to be included in the email list please contact wren.farthings@gmail.com.
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