The EDP recently carried an article about UK Power Networks preparations for the Winter. The article is here. In summary:
- A new number to call in the event of power failure 0800 316 3105 (free) or at the local call rate from a mobile, 0333 323 2105.
- A free Priority Services Register for vulnerable customers entitling them to extra help such as updates or home visits or help during a power cut.
- The Surviving Winter Appeal, led by Norfolk Community Foundation in partnership with Age UK Norfolk, raises money to help those who can’t afford to heat their homes. To request support from the Surviving Winter fund, contact Age UK Norfolk on 01603 787111.
- Remember that Wreningham Fuel Trust is there to help villagers – contact Christine Minns.
Advice should there be a power cut:
- Notify UK Power Networks on 0800 316 3105.
- Have a corded phone available to plug in; cordless phones won’t work without power.
- Dress warmly in several layers of clothing, stay in one room or even get into bed.
- Take care if using candles, tea-lights and other naked flames.
- Switch off electrical equipment, except one light so you know when the power comes back on.
- Street lights may also be off so take care if you go out.
- Look out for elderly/vulnerable neighbours.
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