The Community Orchard Group first met on 20 January 2011, after a suggestion from the community when the Parish Plan was being compiled. The group (Ian Dobson, Jill Maidment, Val Keel and Nicky Morris), secured a suitable location in the grounds of High House Farm on Wymondham Road, through the agreement of the then owners, the Lucchetti family.
The trees, Norfolk apple varieties, were planted during a National Tree Week in 2011.
In 2017, the new owners, Mr & Mrs McIlwham, confirmed that they are willing to support the access arrangements agreed with the Community Orchard Group.
We hope to maintain a good working relationship with the owners of High House Farm and invite villagers to lend an occasional helping hand to maintain the orchard. Please note, that since the Orchard is on private land our agreement requires one to obtain prior permission before a visit.
If you want to get involved or to view the Wreningham Diamond Jubilee Community Orchard, please contact the Parish Clerk – details on the Parish Council page.