Wreningham Fuel Allotment Charity, known as “Wreningham Fuel Trust”, Charity 216331 – Charity Commission details. It is registered with the Charity Commission and can be found on their web site. The Trust’s Governing Document is here. The terms of the Trust Deed state that “the Trustees shall apply the income of the Charity to providing fuel for poor persons resident in the Parish of Wreningham”.
So, the Trust was established to support Wreningham residents who find themselves in, whether long- or short-term, “fuel poverty”. Times have changed, as have needs and practice, such that the Fuel Trust has a wider, more pragmatic approach other than supporting the purchase of fuel (coal, oil, etc).
Anybody living in the village, suffering hardship and needing help with paying for heating their home is entitled to apply for assistance. Examples of the Trust’s financial support have included short-term/immediate support for a significant fuel bill when in need; and a regular annual supplement for known longer-term requirements. Should applications not exceed the income in any one year, it is customary for the Trustees to make a payment to some of the elder members of the parish.
Trust Resources
The Trust currently owns one piece of land, known as the “Town Land” of about 9.7 acres at the north of the village and let out on an Agricultural Tenancy Agreement. All other assets have been cashed in and are invested with the Charity Commission in a Capital Growth plus Interest account.
Trust Management
The Trust is managed by its Trustees:
- 2 appointed by the Parish Council for a term of 4 years – Keith Morris and Ivan Howlett
- 2 co-opted appointees for a term of 5 years- Christine Bilham and Irene Jackson.
To apply for help, or to recommend a neighbour for assistance, contact the clerk who will pass the request to the Trustees for consideration.
Clerk to the Trust, Christine Minns, High Gables, Church Road, NR16 1BH or 01508 488123.