Alastair Florance writes from Lotus: “I will send an update email about the exciting developments at Lotus’ HQ but in the meantime, here is the Hethel Track Calendar 2021:
As you can see, activities such as the Lotus Driving Academy (LDA) and the Customer Driving Experiences are not planned to restart until July 2021. We are also hosting the GreenPower event at Hethel ( where young people are encouraged, through science, technology, engineering and maths to design, build and race an electric car.
This Sunday (25 April 2021), the Lotus Motor Club (LMC) will be hosting one of its twice yearly “Sprints” on the Track from 09:00 to 17:30 and the same noise limits and testing will be in force as in previous events. However, in previous years the LMC has invited spectators to watch the competition, but due to strict Covid 19 compliance procedures, this unfortunately will not be possible this year.
As always, should you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.”
ALASTAIR FLORANCE, GROUP PR MANAGER / 01953 608462 / Hethel, Norwich, Norfolk, NR14 8EZ, England