In November 2009 a Wreningham Parish Plan meeting was informed that forty-one residents had responded to the request to prioritise Actions identified from the Parish Plan. The resulting prioritised list is here. An encouraging number put forward their names to organise or help with the Actions. A number of groups/activies have since evolved:
1. Fuel Oil Purchase – A number of villagers responded in the Village Plan that they would be interested in a scheme to obtain cheaper fuel oil. This scheme has now been running for a couple of years under the stewardship of Geraint Harris.
2. Planning Application Group – The Parish council receives planning applications to comment on before the District Council makes an informed decision. A group has been formed to gather and represent villagers’ comments when the parish Council formally considers planning applications. This group is headed by Ian Dobson assisted by Jean Lambourne, Jane Tallent and Linda Craig.
3. Playing Field Group – The parish plan includes many comments about the playing field and how residents would like to see it improved as an amenity for the village. This group has undertaken to establish what can be done to meet the interests of different groups of users. Initially they are considering how to meet the needs of the younger users, later on teenager’ and adults’ needs will be considered. Jill Hustler and Claire Cormack are leading a project to gather funds and install new and updated play equipment.
4. Teenage Group – A group of village teenagers are working to establish a new group. The group will identify and provide opportunities for social and learning events.
5. Wreningham website – The requests for improved information have been met, in part, by the increased use of it for posting Parish Council Minutes, Agenda and papers. Barry Jarvis is the webmaster and can be contacted at If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Michael Hill
May 2012
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