We have received a request to publicise the work of a Charity, Solo Housing, within the South Norfolk. Solo Housing is a charity supporting the single, homeless in East Anglia, based in Diss, and is funded by South Norfolk Council.

Their aim is to help by providing accommodation from their Register of Landlords and Landladies.  This accommodation is predominantly ‘lodgings’ – their own room with shared use of the rest of the property.  They also offer advice and support to both the client and landlord/lady throughout the placement, if required.

There is a constant demand for this type of rented accommodation as ‘lodgings’ are affordable by those on low incomes.  This means, of course, that there is an ongoing necessity to recruit new providers.

The contact is Sarah Forder, Homelessness Prevention Officer, and details are in the leaflet linked to above.


On 19th August at the Bird in Hand the developers, FW Partnership, held a consultation event on their design for the development of 10 houses on Church Road in advance of producing the planning application. We understand that some 75 people attended and a number of written and verbal comments were made. These are presented in the Statement of Community Involvement produced by FW Partnership.

The planning application has now been made – see  application 2015/2449 on the SNC website.

To aid parishioners when considering the development’s planning application and to help inform the comments they may wish to make to SNC, the Parish Council is arranging to display the plans and supporting material for parishioners’ inspection at the Village Hall:

  • 24th November – 12 noon to 5 pm (possibly later)
  • 25th November – 9 am to 1 pm.

I would appreciate the assistance of volunteers to help put up the display on the Tuesday morning, assist during the display period and then take it down in the afternoon of Wednesday. Please contact the Clerk (clerk.WPC@gmail.com or 01508 570700) to advise of your availability. Thank you.