Graham Crummett has transcribed Wreningham census data from 1891 to 1911. This provides a snapshot of the Village, its parishioners and their lives at 10 yearly intervals. The data itself is transcribed “as is” without correction for spellings or making assumptions about what is there. It is always advisable to inspect the original forms if there is something not quite right in your view.
Note that the “/” in the first column signifies a new household.
Wreningham Census – 1841
Wreningham Census – 1851
Wreningham Census – 1861
Wreningham Census – 1871
Wreningham Census – 1881
Wreningham Census – 1891
Wreningham Census – 1901
Wreningham Census – 1911
Graham is happy to take any questions or comments about the above. His email is
Voters List
The list of those who qualified to be a voter in national and county elections was quite limited in 1888: 1888 Wreningham voters list