The Church Warden, Christine Minns, writes:
“Wreningham church would like your help. Our church is normally unlocked during the day time and we are always pleased when people visit providing they respect what it stands for. However, we have recently had a visitor who was really not welcome or needed.
Somebody has taken the church key and a number of small items amongst them a small cut glass dish and lid, 2 small glass carafe stoppers, a tapestry book mark (used in the Bible) and a number of new flags (of the kind we fly from the tower). If you know where these are or who may have taken them, perhaps you could encourage them to return the items. In the meantime, I ask everybody who uses Church Road to be extra vigilant both by day and night and report any suspicious activities. I have informed our PCSO and asked that the police keep an extra watch on the church for the time being.”
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