For sometime work has been progressing in our area through the Fundenhall exchange and its connected distribution cabinets located by the roadside.

The cabinet in Top Row has been enabled since the beginning of August and those parts of Wreningham supplied by it can now arrange connection to the superfast broadband with their ISP. You can check your status by entering the relevant details at this link  (

BetterBroadbandforNorfolk advised yesterday that the cabinet near to the school on Mill Lane (known as Fundenhall cabinet 8) is nearing completion with an anticipated go-live date towards the end of September. Apparently a new cabinet takes longer to commission as it requires more work than to upgrade an existing one, including changes to the local copper network and updating BT records to show properties are served from the new cabinet. A further web link has been provided to show when FTTC (Fibre-to-the-cabinet) services become available:

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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