We have an email from the GNLP (Greater Norwich Local Plan) team advising on additional sites being proposed for development. Comments from Parishioners and Parish Councils will not be received until later in the year. Only those areas which have a change to the last GNLP consultation have a site “map book”. Wreningham has one: Wreningham CP_mapBook.

The e-mail text is below:

Additional potential sites put forward for Greater Norwich Local Plan

You will be aware that there was a Regulation 18 consultation between January and March this year for the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP). During this consultation, additional sites were proposed by landowners, agents and developers for possible future development and some of the previous site boundaries were revised. Approximately 200 additional or revised sites have been put forward throughout the three districts of Broadland District Council, Norwich City Council and South Norfolk Council. In addition, small sites below 0.25ha, which were not subject to the Regulation 18 consultation, will need to be considered by us in the context of potential changes to settlement boundaries.

There will be another Regulation 18 consultation later this year (probably starting in October) during which the parish council and your residents will be able to make comments on the additional and revised sites and settlement boundary proposals. Until this time there is no mechanism for recording comments against sites, but we wanted you to have as much time as possible to consider sites put forward in your parish. The information about the additional sites, revised sites, and proposals to change the settlement boundaries has been published on our website at the following link:


At this link you will find a schedule of sites and associated map booklets for each parish. The schedule is sorted by district then parish, and sets out the unique reference number for each site, its location/address, and provides details of the proposed development. The map booklets are arranged by parish and show the boundaries of each site alongside the unique reference number. Only parishes containing sites which are new, revised, or proposed changes to settlement boundaries have a map book.

A few key points should be noted about the latest publication of sites:

  • There has not yet been any analysis of the sites newly submitted or revised, and further work is needed to identify constraints, and whether any such constraints can be overcome. Therefore no assumption can be drawn as to the acceptability (or otherwise) of any sites.
  • Far more land has been submitted for consideration than will be needed. Many sites will be inappropriate for allocation due to unresolvable constraints (such as landscaping, flood risk, poor access to services etc) and others, whilst not unacceptable in principle, will be less suitable for allocation than “competitor” sites. Growth will be carefully planned to ensure it is located in the most appropriate locations, and will be supported by appropriate and timely infrastructure provision.
  • The current long list of sites will be refined. Some sites, or parts of sites, have been submitted twice, once by the landowner and once by a land promoter. Some sites already allocated in adopted local plans have been re-submitted (perhaps with requests for changes to adopted policy clauses, or a different mix in the development type proposed), so are not ‘new’ sites per se.
  • It is also likely that further sites will be promoted during the production of the GNLP. This is a somewhat iterative process.
  • It will not be until the full public consultation programmed for late this year that the HELAA analysis of all sites will be made available.

South Norfolk Council (SNC) is re-consulting on a draft Guidelines for Recreation Provision in New Residential Developments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The draft SPD outlines the Council’s agreed policy on the adoption and maintenance of open spaces and play areas in new developments.  From the date of adoption of the SPD the Council will not take on responsibility for such areas. This will fall to either Parish/Town Councils or to a designated Management Company.  The draft SPD contains guidelines for Parish and Town Councils thinking of taking on this responsibility. We would appreciate your views.

The draft SPD will be subject to public consultation for a four-week period from Friday 4th May to 5pm on Tuesday 5th June.  Comments are invited on any aspect of the SPD but please make it clear as to which section/paragraph number(s) the comments relate. The Council’s preferred method for receiving comments is via email to LP@s-norfolk.gov.uk.  Comments can also be sent by post to: Interim Joint Spatial Planning Manager, South Norfolk Council, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, Norfolk, NR15 2XE.

Full details are available on the Council’s website at https://www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/residents/have-your-say/consultations .

The NAIP (click here) is out for consultation until 15th June 2018.  Norfolk County Council (NCC) invites feedback from individuals and groups.

In NCC’s words: “We have developed a draft Norfolk Access Improvement Plan for Norfolk 2018–2028 which incorporates the Rights of Way Improvement Plan. The draft Plan sets out priorities for improving access to the countryside for residents of Norfolk and visitors to our county over the next ten years. The document will replace the previous 10 year plan which was reviewed as required under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act (CROW Act, 2000).”


Early notice that the Trading Standards Institute is holding a programme of events, advice and information in June – see here.

But for right now, Norfolk CC issue advice on scams, here, with lots of information about the current scams for both businesses and individuals to be aware of. You can sign up for advisory/warning e-mails.

If you want to fight back agaFriends against scamsinst scams then have a look at “Friends Against Scams”. 




Mike Pinner of the Caister Roman Project will be at Wreningham Village Hall at 8pm on Tuesday 5th June. See the website here. This is a very exciting project which featured in its own Time team episode! Mike will be talking about the excavations in and around the Roman town and the community test-pitting in and around the village. Entry is free.

Practise Pit

There will be a practise test-pit digging session from 11am on Sunday 29th July. Meet on the playing field opposite the School and Village Hall. Bring a spade, trowel and hefty boots! If anyone has an old garden sieve or two, you will find them handy too.

I will take you through the art of effective archaeological digging (for beginners!) ready for your own investigation in August.

The playing field is on the edge of an old common, a popular place for settlement in the medieval period, so there is a fair chance we may find something interesting!

The Real PIT!

The Community Test-Pitting itself will take place on 11th and 12th August (there will be another chance later if you can’t do this date) at a site of your choice around the village – if not your land/garden do make sure the owners has given permission to dig…!

Please send me, Steve Hickling (steve.hickling@norfolk.gov.uk), your email address if you wish to take part. No experience is necessary.

The village collaborative heating oil purchase scheme is now being managed by John Knight.
Every quarter in February, May, August and November, he will collate all the oil requirements from those parishioners who have registered an interest in this scheme. The May order is now being considered and he is busy contacting potential oil suppliers with a view of placing an order around Thursday 3rd May.
So, if you require oil, let him have your order no later than Tuesday May 1st along with any specific delivery requirements you may have (i.e. limited access for vehicle, urgently required, etc.).
Be sure to give him the information (name, address, phone number, e-mail, oil tank location) necessary to effect an order on your behalf. Note: the supplier will bill you for the amount ordered/delivered; John does not handle the money.
If you have friends or neighbours that you know use heating oil, please pass on his contact details so he can include as many in the scheme as possible, and thereby be in a better position to negotiate a lower price for everyone.
If you have any other questions please give him a call on 07961 705154 or e-mail johnknight11@btinternet.com

UEA’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities are holding an Open Evening on Wednesday 23 May 6-6.30pm for those who are post-21 years of age and interested in pursuing Undergraduate study.

Thinking of returning to education after some time away? Come along to the open evening to find out about studying for an undergraduate degree in the Arts and Humanities. You’ll have the opportunity to find out about the courses on offer, student life at UEA, and the funding options available to help you achieve your goals.

All welcome – whether you’re making a tentative initial enquiry or have already made your decision and are on the verge of making your application. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST

Explore our full range of courses available in the Arts and Humanities:

Reference No: 2018/0854
Applicant: Mrs Pauline J Marshall
Location: White Cottage  Church Road Wreningham NR16 1BA
Proposal: Demolition of single storey extension and erection of two storey extension.
Copies of the submitted plans can be viewed here
Please make your comments (if any) to SNC by 15 May 2018 to:

e-mail: planning@s-norfolk.gov.uk , or,
Mail: South Norfolk Council, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, Norwich NR15 2XE

Bramble Bears Playgroup celebrates its 50th year Anniversary

This April, in 2018, Bramble Bears Playgroup in Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk will celebrate its 50th Anniversary with a drop-in event for the community as well as all past and present families who attended the playgroup.

Bramble Bears playgroup, originally named Ashwellthorpe Village Preschool began in 1968 with a few local families from the village of Ashwellthorpe and was run by parents. The playgroup has grown and grown and been well attended throughout the years and still remains a proud part of the community today. In 2016, Bramble Bears was featured in the EDP newspaper following a very good Ofsted report.

The playgroup is proud of its heritage and its child-led approach and ethos. Bramble Bears in still run today by a committee of parents and has a very good staff team. Over the years the playgroup has formed excellent links with local schools and child minders in the area.

To celebrate its 50th Anniversary Bramble Bears Playgroup is having a community drop-in event at Ashwellthorpe Village Hall on Saturday 28th April between 11am-3pm. Activities include a village bear hunt, a display of old photos and memorabilia, raffle, name the bear competition and bear biscuit decorating. Come and join us for anniversary celebration cake, everyone welcome!

50th poster