Mike Pinner of the Caister Roman Project will be at Wreningham Village Hall at 8pm on Tuesday 5th June. See the website here. This is a very exciting project which featured in its own Time team episode! Mike will be talking about the excavations in and around the Roman town and the community test-pitting in and around the village. Entry is free.
Practise Pit
There will be a practise test-pit digging session from 11am on Sunday 29th July. Meet on the playing field opposite the School and Village Hall. Bring a spade, trowel and hefty boots! If anyone has an old garden sieve or two, you will find them handy too.
I will take you through the art of effective archaeological digging (for beginners!) ready for your own investigation in August.
The playing field is on the edge of an old common, a popular place for settlement in the medieval period, so there is a fair chance we may find something interesting!
The Real PIT!
The Community Test-Pitting itself will take place on 11th and 12th August (there will be another chance later if you can’t do this date) at a site of your choice around the village – if not your land/garden do make sure the owners has given permission to dig…!
Please send me, Steve Hickling (, your email address if you wish to take part. No experience is necessary.
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