Broadland and South Norfolk Councils are running a free mental health awareness at Shelfanger Village Hall on the on Thursday 21 March from 5.30-7.30pm. This Mental Health Awareness in the Community course will be delivered by Thriving Workplaces. Anyone connected to a community group, parish/town council or any local business in South Norfolk can attend.

You can sign up here.

This is a part of the Mindful Towns and Village project. It is designed to increase the number of local people with mental health knowledge in our communities. The main aim is to provide safe places where people in the local community can come and have a chat and where necessary get signposted to other services, such as the Council Help Hub. Attendees will receive resources: a window sticker, access to website resources, access to a closed Facebook group for Wellbeing Champions, an invitation to the upcoming Community Links meeting.  

For further information on Mindful Towns and Village as well as details on how to register please visit our website . 

Michaela Beaumont, Community Capacity Officer
t 01508 533665 e  

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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