Ref No: 2023/3219

Proposal: Notification for Prior Approval for a proposed change of use and associated building works of an agricultural building to 5 dwelling houses (QA and QB)
Location: Agricultural Building South Of High Common Farm, Wymondham Road, Wreningham
Applicant: Mr Lee Devlin
Application Type: Prior Notification – Agricultural to Residential
A prior notification application for the above proposal has been received at South Norfolk Council. Details of the Case Officer and copies of the submitted plans can be viewed on-line using ref “2023/3219“.

As a Prior Notification application, the above development shall not be begun before the
occurrence of one of the following—
(a) the receipt by the applicant from the local planning authority of a written notice that prior approval is not required;
(b) the receipt by the applicant from the local planning authority of a written notice giving prior approval; or
(c) the expiry of 56 days without the local planning authority notifying the applicant as to whether prior approval is given or refused. This expires on 18 December 2023.

Should you require further details on the consideration of this prior notification, please contact the case officer, Tracey Meachen.



post: The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF

Related development

see the developer’s website.

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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