SNC web page here.

10 February – 21 March 2025

Broadland District Council and South Norfolk Council are seeking views on their draft joint Custom and Self-Build Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The draft SPD provides guidance and information for people wanting to submit planning applications for self and custom build, including detail regarding the interpretation and implementation of policies in the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) which was adopted in March 2024.

Proposal: Series of 13 ponds designed to intercept surface water flows and designed to be part of work to create off-site biodiversity units
Location: Land East Of High Road Ashwellthorpe Norfolk
Applicant: Mr Stephen Richardson
Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Comments to South Norfolk by 18 February – see letter above for details.

Location Plan

Ref: 2024/3430
Applicant: Mr Richard Spratt
Location: The Garage, Wymondham Road, Wreningham, Norfolk NR16 1AZ
Proposal: Change of use of ground floor room from an office to residential use to revert room back to being part of Mashonaland Villa
Application Type: Change of Use

Please return comments by 20 December 2024

  • email
  • online at
  • post to Development Management, The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF

We have recently received notification of condition details for this planning application; specifically conditions 3 6 & 9 of 2024/2627 see document here

  • (3) surface water drainage design
  • (6) written scheme of investigation for archaeology
  • (9) biodiversity gain plan

Ref 2024/2627
Proposal: Replacement dwelling and new double garage
Location: Lawood Church Road Wreningham Norfolk NR16 1BA (

Applicant: Gray and Co Developments Ltd
Application Type: Full Planning Permission

SNC decision:

Proposal: Demolition of existing commercial workshop and buildings, erection of four new dwellings and garages, with all matters reserved except for access
Location: Spratts Garage Wymondham Road
Applicant: C Bilham, R Spratt & A Riches
Application Type: Outline Planning Permission
Application reference: 2022/0835

A meeting of the SNC Development Management Committee will consider this application (delayed from 5 April 2023) on 20 November 2024, starting at 10am. It will be held in the Council Chamber. For those wishing to speak and will be live streamed at

What does this mean for the Parish/Town Council?

We have not yet decided whether to speak at this meeting – our written representations will be reported in the Committee agenda and will be taken into account in the decision-making process.

For members of the public

Should you wish to attend Committee and speak, please notify Democratic Services at by 5pm on the Friday before the committee date. Contacts are: Tel 01508 533780 / 01603 430509 and

The following is permitted for public speaking:
– Parish Council – 5 minutes
– Objectors – 5 minutes allowed for all speakers
– Supporters – 5 minutes allowed for all speakers
– Local Member – unlimited

The Council will be live streaming this meeting. You can observe the meeting only (and not participate in public speaking), at

If you have any queries on the above please don’t hesitate to contact Democratic Services or the case officer.

Planning applications do take time to process and until very recently we were not sure that this project was going to happen. However, as you may have seen on this website, the SNC planners have now indicated they will use delegated authority to give FWP Ltd approval to proceed with their planning application.

Finally we are able to think about about the anticipated community project: the development of The Farthings. You will have seen in the planning application the first plan for this space. Now we need to define what that space will look like upon its legal transfer to the Parish Council and then to discuss what could be done subsequently to develop The Farthings into a valuable community asset.

You are invited to the first of a series of meetings of the Farthings Community Group. This will define how the community is to use this land and create plans to achieve these aims. The first meeting is on

Tuesday 8th October at 7.30pm in the Margaret Preston Room


  • Background
  • The Farthings Community Group
  • Shape of The Farthings for transfer to Parish Council
  • List community objectives / projects (short, medium and long term)
  • Personal commitment(s)
  • Next Meeting and Objectives

We will schedule another 3 meetings to develop this further. They will be on the three subsequent Mondays at 7.30pm, same place. 

Michael Hill

Chair, Wreningham Parish Council

    Ref: FUL/2024/0026
    Land at Hall Farm, Stanfield Road, Wymondham, Norfolk

    Hybrid application for part Full Planning Permission for an Aggregate Recovery Facility and part approval pursuant to s.73 of the TCPA 1990 (as amended) for non-compliance with condition 2 (timescales) and condition 3 (approved documents) of permission reference C/7/2013/7014 to extend the operational life of the quarry and associated restoration to agriculture and amend the phasing of restoration, Longwater Gravel Co Ltd.

    You will find full submission documentation of the above planning application on our web

    If you have any observations you wish to make, would you please let me know within 21 days excluding public holidays from the date of this consultation (11 September 2024). You can do this by either submitting via the web link above, by emailing or by telephoning the case officer 01603 222757.
    If further time is required for your consideration of this matter please do not hesitate to contact the case officer Michael Zieja.

    The South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (VCHAP) Regulation 19 Pre-submission Addendum will be published between 9am on Monday 12 August and 5pm on Monday 7 October 2024, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. Representations are invited on the legal compliance and soundness of the Plan. Any representations submitted must be received by South Norfolk Council within this timeframe.

    The purpose of the VCHAP is to deliver growth that will support the vitality of the rural communities of South Norfolk. Following the Regulation 19 Publication in 2023 one of the proposed sites was no longer considered deliverable and another needed to be reduced in scale, which led to a shortfall in the overall target number of new homes (minimum of 1,200).

    The proposed Addendum includes the additional and amended sites proposed for allocation within the VCHAP to address this shortfall. The document also includes a number of other focused changes to the proposed VCHAP. The published document only deals with the changes that are being proposed to the Regulation 19 VCHAP document that was published in 2023. 

    The Addendum and supporting documents can be viewed at:

    During the publication period, the proposed Addendum will be available to view at:

    ·       Online at –

    ·       South Norfolk Council offices – The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich, NR7 0WF (open Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm)

    ·       The Octagon – Mere Street, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4AH (open Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm)

    ·       Libraries in South Norfolk – visit the Norfolk County Council website for details of your local branch (

    • Millennium Library – The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich NR2 1AW (open Mon-Fri: 10am-7pm; Sat: 9am-5pm; Sun: 10.30am-4.30pm)

    Supporting documents are also available to view online at the above locations. Further information and background material will also be available through a ‘virtual exhibition’ which can be accessed during the publication period at:

    Anyone wishing to submit a formal representation on the content of the plan may do so, in writing, and before 5.00pm on 7th October 2024. These can be submitted online, via the website listed above or using one of our hard copy representation forms which are available at the locations listed above. This will help ensure that submitted representations are in the prescribed format and can be taken into account in the examination of the plan. Completed hard copy forms should be posted to the South Norfolk Council office address listed above.

    For further information and enquiries, please contact the Council’s Place Shaping Team on (01508) 533805 or at

    Ref: 2024/1135
    Proposal: Construction of 2 bungalows & 1 chalet bungalow, along with 4.09 acres of land transferred to the Parish Council for Community Owned Land
    Location: Land South West of Hethel Road
    Applicant: Mr Julian Wells
    Application Type: Full Planning Permission

    Please return comments by 8 August 2024, quoting reference 2024/1135

    The revision is in response to NCC Highways comments about the nature of the road – see documents on SNC website. The documents which provide the revisions are dated from 24 July 2024. Considerations discussed with Parish Council, FWP Ltd and South Norfolk include:

    • Improved road safety – pinch point identified by NCC Highways – widened roadway
    • Loss of 37m of hedging removed to accommodate road widening (7m of which are the development site entrance). But, extensive new hedge to replace existing one which is of poor quality – which will need growing time.
    • New trees – to replace lost tree.
    • Informal passing place removed. It has grown to fill the ditch and impede local drainage.
    • Drainage in that section of road renewed and improved.
    • Public safety improved with a new public footpath on the inside of the hedge and in front of plot 3, taking people off Hethel Road and through to the Farthings entrance.