Thanks to Hughie, Mick, Sue, Liz, Mike, Karen and Jean at the village hall today. They set up (and took down) the Farthings’ documentation; served tea, coffee & bisuits; explained the presentations; and answered questions from those who dropped by.

The Drop In was an opportunity for villagers to examine all the documentation in one place and to see the definition of The Farthings at the point of transfer to community ownership. We have come a long way but the negotiations are not yet complete. The documents on view form part of the S106 agreement (being drawn up by solicitors) which will be ratified by South Norfolk Council, FWP Ltd and Wreningham Parish Council. These will be discussed, agreed and finalised over the next few weeks.

Available for inspection at the Drop In were:

  • Specification for Community Owned Land
  • A large plan view of the site
  • A Rossi Long produced surface water management scheme
  • List of community projects
  • Commuted sum calculations (this is designed to cover the annual running costs of The Farthings)
  • Logo art work.

We thank the visitors for their interest in the project; for closely examining the documentation; for re-stating their support for the project; and for their intent to help out when the time comes for hands-on activity. Two District Councillors attended and were complimentary about depth and breadth of the work of the Working Group; they expect this to be a successful project; it has their support and they look forward to it developing into a well-loved Wreningham site in the years to come.

The Farthings tab in the main menu, will be updated with additional information as it comes available. If you wish to be included in the email list please contact

Planning applications do take time to process and until very recently we were not sure that this project was going to happen. However, as you may have seen on this website, the SNC planners have now indicated they will use delegated authority to give FWP Ltd approval to proceed with their planning application.

Finally we are able to think about about the anticipated community project: the development of The Farthings. You will have seen in the planning application the first plan for this space. Now we need to define what that space will look like upon its legal transfer to the Parish Council and then to discuss what could be done subsequently to develop The Farthings into a valuable community asset.

You are invited to the first of a series of meetings of the Farthings Community Group. This will define how the community is to use this land and create plans to achieve these aims. The first meeting is on

Tuesday 8th October at 7.30pm in the Margaret Preston Room


  • Background
  • The Farthings Community Group
  • Shape of The Farthings for transfer to Parish Council
  • List community objectives / projects (short, medium and long term)
  • Personal commitment(s)
  • Next Meeting and Objectives

We will schedule another 3 meetings to develop this further. They will be on the three subsequent Mondays at 7.30pm, same place. 

Michael Hill

Chair, Wreningham Parish Council

    Ref: 2024/1135
    Proposal: Construction of 2 bungalows & 1 chalet bungalow, along with 4.09 acres of land transferred to the Parish Council for Community Owned Land
    Location: Land South West of Hethel Road
    Applicant: Mr Julian Wells
    Application Type: Full Planning Permission

    Please return comments by 8 August 2024, quoting reference 2024/1135

    The revision is in response to NCC Highways comments about the nature of the road – see documents on SNC website. The documents which provide the revisions are dated from 24 July 2024. Considerations discussed with Parish Council, FWP Ltd and South Norfolk include:

    • Improved road safety – pinch point identified by NCC Highways – widened roadway
    • Loss of 37m of hedging removed to accommodate road widening (7m of which are the development site entrance). But, extensive new hedge to replace existing one which is of poor quality – which will need growing time.
    • New trees – to replace lost tree.
    • Informal passing place removed. It has grown to fill the ditch and impede local drainage.
    • Drainage in that section of road renewed and improved.
    • Public safety improved with a new public footpath on the inside of the hedge and in front of plot 3, taking people off Hethel Road and through to the Farthings entrance.

    The last couple of days have been a mite damp – so I thought I’d take the phone and record a few puddles for posterity.

    General dampness – a few choice puddles and full ditches

    Followed by a close look at The Farthings. This had surface water, two new shallow ponds, an overflowing existing pond, plus full ditches.