Local Government Boundary Commission for England is undertaking an electoral review of Norfolk County Council. As part of the review, the Commission is required by legislation to have regard to electorate forecasts for a period five years after the publication of its final recommendations (in this case, that period is 2025).
The County Council submitted these forecasts in late 2019, which were agreed by the Commission and published. These were used as the basis for the consultation on division patterns, which was due to end on 11 February 2020.
On 30 January, the Commission received a representation from a district council in Norfolk which cited significant concerns about the electorate forecasts. Having considered the points raised, the Commission has agreed that the forecasts should be revisited.
The Commission has asked Norfolk County Council to provide updated electorate forecasts by 11 February and will extend the existing consultation period by six weeks to 24 March.
Any party that has already made a submission based on the existing electorate figures is invited to make another submission once the updated electorate have been published.
When they have been received, the new electorate forecasts will be published on the Norfolk review site at http://www.lgbce.org.uk/all-reviews/eastern/norfolk/norfolk-county-council.
As a result of this, the public consultation on the draft recommendations will now take place from 2 June – 10 August 2020.
If you have any questions, please contact mark.cooper@lgbce.org.uk
Get in touch
If you have comments on ward arrangements please so by 24 March 2020. Representations should be made:
– Through the interactive consultation portal, where you can explore the maps of the recommendations, draw your own boundaries and make comments;
– By email to reviews@lgbce.org.uk;
– Or in writing to Review Officer (Norfolk), Local Government Boundary Commission for England, 1st Floor, Windsor House, 50 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0TL
Comments are closed