Following a number of reported flash flooding incidents in the Parish, the Parish Council has been contacting the authorities.

South Norfolk Scrutiny committee have, on 27 January 2021, considered the nature of flash flooding in the District. They have made some interesting points with respect to defensive work and the nature of sandbags: Agenda plus reports for the Scrutiny Committee meeting and the draft minutes.

Under the Land Drainage Act 1991, Norfolk County Council is the ‘operating authority’ for ordinary watercourses in 79.3% of Norfolk. They publish specific guidance on their webpage “Information for Home Owners“. If you wish to report an obstruction / maintenance issue, the Water Management Team’s contact details are: or; 0344 800 8020.

The phrase “Riparian responsibility” occurs repeatedly and it is important that you are aware what this means if your property is next to a watercourse, see here.

(image courtesy: Image by Linda Russ from Pixabay)

About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

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