About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

Casual Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor

  1. Notice is hereby given that due to the resignation of Ben Jarvis, a vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for the Parish Council.
  1. An election by ballot according to the Election Rules will be held if a request in writing to that effect, signed by ten local government electors for the electoral area, is delivered to The Returning Officer, South Norfolk Council, Horizon Business Centre, Peachman Way, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0WF not later than 02 October 2024.
  2. If an election is not requested, the Parish Council will fill this vacancy by co-option.

Parish Clerk: Tina Higlett

Address: Crofton House, Norwich Road, Long Stratton, NR15 2PG

Dated: 12/09/2024

Casual Vacancy Process description:

A public consultation about Wymondham is underway with a closing date of 13th October. Views are sought from anyone with an interest in, or need for, improvements in and around Wymondham.

Please note, there are paper copies of the survey in Wymondham library; to be completed and left at the library.

Wymondham Public Realm Consultation


For further information please contact Joel Pailes, Community Infrastructure Officer, South Norfolk Council
t  01508 533782  e joel.pailes@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk

Reference: 2024/226

Proposal: Conversion of barn to one dwelling

Location: Barn South East Of High Common Farm Wymondham Road Wreningham

Applicant: Mr L Devlin

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Details of the Case Officer and copies of the submitted plans can be viewed on-line here

Comments, quoting the reference, before 11 September 2024 to:

  • email planning@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk
  • online at www.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk
  • post to Development Management, The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF

South Norfolk Council have a mapping tool on their Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) information pages. This is accessible via the Planning page of Broadland and South Norfolk Councils website (link here). It is an interactive map where you can view the energy and electricity related NSIP routes within both districts.

Here you can find the following:

  • ‘About Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects’ which explains what they are, the Development Consent Process and the Local Authorities’ role.  
  • ‘National Policy’ which provides links to the governments new National Planning Policy Statements.
  • Specific NSIP projects by type: National Highways Schemes; Offshore Wind Farms and Electricity:
  1. These pages give an overview of the project, including which District host the project and what stage they are at in the process, with links to key documents and information, particularly the Development Consent Order as made (if determined, which contains the requirements (conditions) attached to the consent), land plans etc. and to the developer’s website.
  2. Additionally, the contact details for Orsted and Vattenfall, are available on the specific project pages, for communities to contact them directly regarding issues and concerns in respect of any works that are taking place.     
  • An interactive map displaying all of the energy and electricity related NSIP routes within South Norfolk and Broadland.

Ref: 2024/1135
Proposal: Construction of 2 bungalows & 1 chalet bungalow, along with 4.09 acres of land transferred to the Parish Council for Community Owned Land
Location: Land South West of Hethel Road
Applicant: Mr Julian Wells
Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Please return comments by 8 August 2024, quoting reference 2024/1135

The revision is in response to NCC Highways comments about the nature of the road – see documents on SNC website. The documents which provide the revisions are dated from 24 July 2024. Considerations discussed with Parish Council, FWP Ltd and South Norfolk include:

  • Improved road safety – pinch point identified by NCC Highways – widened roadway
  • Loss of 37m of hedging removed to accommodate road widening (7m of which are the development site entrance). But, extensive new hedge to replace existing one which is of poor quality – which will need growing time.
  • New trees – to replace lost tree.
  • Informal passing place removed. It has grown to fill the ditch and impede local drainage.
  • Drainage in that section of road renewed and improved.
  • Public safety improved with a new public footpath on the inside of the hedge and in front of plot 3, taking people off Hethel Road and through to the Farthings entrance.

Does the month last longer than your money??

Do you know of anybody who struggles to feed themselves or their family??

If so – Read on!!!

Food and Beverage Buddies (FABB) Is a charity run by volunteers who collect food which is just about on the “best by” date from M&S and distribute it to people who could use a little help with providing food for themselves or their family.

The local church is helping with distribution and will receive a delivery at 9 am on Tuesday mornings throughout the summer (school holiday period) as from Tuesday 30th July. We will have no idea of what is likely to be delivered but we expect bread, cakes, vegetables and any other “pre-packed” items which have been unsold. These will be available for people to collect either for themselves or anybody they know who is in need.

You can call at Forncett St Edmunds church, NR16 1AJ (opposite the Jolly Farmers) between 9 am and 10.30 am each Tuesday.

There is no charge for this food and if you are unable to get there, contact a churchwarden at your nearest church and they may be able to arrange a home delivery.

Reference: 2023/2878

Proposal: Part demolition of a redundant outbuilding and erection of new canopy structure to protect historic timber frame
Location: High House Farm Wymondham Road Wreningham NR16 1AY
Applicant: Mr John McIlwham
Application Type: Listed Building Consent

The above proposal has now been amended; copies of the amended plan(s) / additional information can be view online here.

The proposal was originally for total demolition but has been amended to part demolition. If you have any further comments to make please write, emailing your views to planning@southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk, or comment online at www.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk

before 15 July 2024.

It may not be possible to consider any comments received after this date. If you wish to discuss this proposal as amended please contact Philip Whitehead, Heritage Officer.

You should note that any letter will normally become open to public inspection and may be copied by the applicant and members of the public.

Help shape the future of travel and transport in the East!

Transport East is running a survey to better understand how you travel across Norfolk. The data provided will help shape decisions on future transport investment in the local area.

Whether you walk, drive, cycle, take the bus or train, the views of people living and working in South Norfolk are important to help us understand how as a partnership, we can work to improve access to work, education, health services and opportunities for socialising. The information you can provide will be make a difference towards making the East a thriving region.

The survey is open until 17 April and you can take part here: https://alligator.focusvision.com/survey/selfserve/54a/240252?list=99

Completed surveys have the chance of winning a £100 Love2Shop voucher!

For more information see Transport East