About Michael Hill

Wreningham Parish Council Chair

Reference: 2021/2662
Applicant: Mrs Sarah Liddiard
Location: Church View Cottage Hethel Road Wreningham NR16 1BB
Proposal: Replace existing conservatory with rear extension and alterations. Conversion of double garage to self-contained annex.
Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Please return comments to South Norfolk Council by 28 January 2022.

email: planning@s-norfolk.gov.uk
post: SNC, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton NR15 2XE

Tom McCabe, Head of Paid Service, NCC, recently wrote about the Budget Consultation currently underway and closing on 30 December 2021. His letter states:

“Normally Norfolk County Council would publish budget proposals to be considered by its cabinet and scrutiny committee in October, before going out to public consultation. However, because of the uncertainties this year over local government funding, support for adult social care, and other pressures, the council felt it prudent to wait till the Chancellor provided a clearer picture before publishing the budget proposals.

“At the core of the budget proposals is our Better Together, For Norfolk strategy. This builds on our previous plan and sharpens our focus for the next four years to support recovery and renewal. It outlines our ambitions for our county, its people, communities, and businesses and provides the platform to drive a whole-system approach, underpinned by a corporate delivery plan.

“Despite the challenges facing us all throughout 2020 and 2021, we have continued to provide the services which give children and young people the best start in life, support vulnerable and older people, maintain and develop our highways and transport network, provide library, waste disposal, and fire services and work in partnership to grow the economy.

“We are delivering all these services in a financial climate of risk and uncertainty, from both service user and provider perspectives. Some of the main challenges we faced before COVID-19 are still present or have been exacerbated, including population changes, social, economic, and health inequalities, rising demand for services and support, workforce challenges in key sectors such as the care market, government policy changes, funding reductions and the impact of continued financial constraints. The Council must now plan for the multiple impacts of rising budget pressures, uncertainty over Government funding, and the financial challenges associated with the recovery following COVID-19.

“As we work to rebuild and revitalise the County many of the additional costs, lost income, and undeliverable savings in the current year will have a significant impact on our 2022-23 finances. It remains critical to develop balanced, sustainable budget proposals which will enable the Council to continue to deliver the essential services which are relied on by all Norfolk’s people, businesses, and visitors.

“We now want to hear your views on our council tax and budget approach to help our elected councillors make the right, even if tough, decisions in agreeing on a balanced budget for 2022-2023.

“I wanted to alert you to the webpage where we published our budget consultation on Thursday 25 November. You can find out more at www.norfolk.gov.uk/budget and have your say using our online feedback form. Using our online feedback ensures we have a clear record of your response and that your views are accurately recorded.

We appreciate that some residents may not have online access and people who are unable to respond online can send us their views in writing to:

Freepost Plus RTCL-XSTT-JZSK Norfolk County Council,

Ground floor – South Wing,

County Hall,

Martineau Lane,

Norwich NR1 2DH.

“Residents can request our budget consultation document in other formats, including paper form, by calling 0344 800 8020 or emailing haveyoursay@norfolk.gov.uk. We will make all materials as accessible as possible.

“Our consultation closes at midnight on Thursday 30 December 2021. Please note that if we receive any consultation responses after this date we cannot guarantee that we will be able to take them into account.”

NCC contact is Christine Mawson, Stakeholder and Consultation Manager

email: christine.mawson@norfolk.gov.uk or telephone 01603 224485.

Anglian Water has asked us to help raise awareness of their support services for those finding things a little difficult. Its Priority Services Register is free to sign up to. They will use it to:

  • Help if there is an interruption to a customer’s water supply
  • Help protect customers against bogus callers
  • Communicate in different languages, including British Sign Language
  • Send bills in alternative formats, including large print, audio and Braille
  • Knock and wait, giving customers longer to get to the door

Anglian Water also has a range of financial assistance available for customers who are finding it difficult to pay their bills.

To contact them:

Web: angliawater.co.uk/priority; Extra Care Support team is on 0800 169 3630

British Sign Language: anglianwater.co.uk/bsl

See the posters below for more information:

[Photos in the article below]

For the second year, we have a Christmas Tree decorated with lights, baubles, and tinsel standing in the Reading Room for everyone to enjoy.

Around 7 pm tonight some 60 adults and children gathered at the Reading Room. The children came to meet Santa who chatted with them and then gave them a bauble to hang on the tree. The children led everyone in singing three carols. After which, Michael, the Parish Chair, gave a very short speech and switched on the lights; so too were the sparklers!

Santa then bade farewell to the children as they and their parents and friends moved off to the village hall. There the pipe organ entertained with a merry set of melodies and carols, whilst inside the Hall mulled wine and mince pies gave a festive taste to the evening. The Pizza van provided tasty snacks for those who found that carol singing brings on an appetite.

Santa said, “This was so good, I will have to come back next year and see all those lovely children again!”

Many were involved in making this work and we thank them for making this event so special. Extra thanks go to Jean Lambourne, Gill Hustler, and Andrew Moore.

Update: 8 November 2021

This is an update on the progress of NCC Greenways Team project to improve waymarking and access on the historic Kett’s Country Long Distance Path, an 18-mile recreational walking route between Wymondham and Norwich. It is creating five new circular walks to connect local communities to the linear route and other green spaces. The long-distance path and all circular walks will be following existing public rights of way or quiet roads. The project is due to be completed by the end of March 2022.

Here is a map showing the route:

The Wreningham circular route has had improvements to access points and bridges in the Long’s Wood area. The information board near the Church will be repositioned to the verge by the Bird In Hand.  There may be some additional notice signs installed along the route.

The team is gathering information about the local history, heritage and biodiversity for their promotional materials, so if you think something would be worth highlighting, or know someone who would be a good source of information, please contact Helen Terry at the Norfolk Greenways Team – norfolkgreenways@norfolk.gov.uk.

Original Post: December 2020

Norfolk County Council’s Kett’s Country Long Distance Path project has a shortlist of 12 potential circular walks along the trail and wish to reduce that to five that will be installed, alongside the signage for the linear route, in the Spring.

They invite you to respond to their survey which is here. It will be live until 31st January 2021.

Please note that two of these potential walks are in Wreningham – so your interest will be appreciated.

The project officer will respond to your questions about the circular walks, or the project in general, from 4th January 2021. 

Contact: Chris Brough, Cycling and Walking Assistant Officer, Environment Team, Community and Environmental Services

Tel: 01603 224436 ; Email: christopher.brough@norfolk.gov.uk ; Web: www.norfolk.gov.uk/greenways

Norfolk Wildlife Trust Wilder Connections Project  

Norfolk Wildlife Trust has secured funding from the Green Recovery Challenge Fund for its Claylands Wilder Connections Project. This aims to support communities in efforts to improve connectivity of habitats across key parts of south Norfolk. Its focus will be on the fabric of the countryside, including hedgerows, ponds, copses, trees and meadows. They are looking for opportunities to work with local communities and landowners to identify and deliver relevant projects on the ground.

They are seeking volunteers to undertake surveys and practical conservation work to improve habitat connections for local wildlife.

To find out more visit a ‘Making the Connection’ event. Booking is essential

Contact wild@norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk for further details and to book your place at one of these events.

Reference: 2021/2156
Applicant: Ms Jill Maidment
Location: Willys Croft Church Road Wreningham NR16 1BA
Proposal: Installation of two additional roof windows in new extension pitched roof following 2021/1176
Application Type: Listed Building Consent

Please return comments to South Norfolk by 22 October 2021.

email: planning@s-norfolk.gov.uk
post: SNC, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton NR15 2XE

Norfolk County Council EXPERIENCE project invites the residents of Wreningham to take part in a survey about tourism in the area. The survey is about Summer  tourism. It will be repeated every six months for the next 2-3 years, focussing on Winter and Summer tourism alternately, you may have seen the previous one issued in April about Winter tourism.

To take part please click here.

More information

The results will be used to tailor the activities of the project and to better understand the benefits and disadvantages of tourism for local people.

Anyone who is over 18 and a resident in Norfolk can take part.

Prize draw for £40 of Jarrold vouchers for participants (excluding employees of Norfolk County Council and their families, and anyone involved in the prize draw).  

The survey closes at midnight on 15th October 2021.


https://www.facebook.com/Norfolkcc (posted 29th Sept)

Reference: 2021/1985
Applicant: Mr B Fuller
Location: Peplins Cottage, Top Row
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension together with internal and external alterations.
Application Type: Householder

Please return comments to South Norfolk Council by 4 October 2021.

email: planning@s-norfolk.gov.uk
post: SNC, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton NR15 2XE

Copies of the submitted plans can be viewed on-line here.